Definitions 448-01-10
(Revised 11/1/14 ML #3418)
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Alien - an individual who is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country and who has not been granted U.S. citizenship.
Appeal - a specific request for Departmental review, by a dissatisfied, applicant, recipient, provider or their representative concerning a decision made by a county social service office or by a division of the Department.
Appeals Supervisor – an official of the Legal Advisory Unit of the Department who oversees the appeal process.
Authorized Representative - A responsible adult non-household member authorized in writing by the household to act on behalf of the household.
Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange System (BENDEX) Wage – annual earnings data received from SSA through IEV interface.
Beneficiary Earnings Exchange Record (BEER) – an interface record that matches information received from SSA with information in TECS and Vision systems to generate the BENDEX WAGE hits for IEVS.
Collateral Contact - knowledgeable individuals or sources who can support or verify information.
Department - the North Dakota Department of Human Services.
Disclosure - communication of any information from the applicant or recipient’s record to anyone other than the recipient. It does not include the transfer or exchange of information between or among units within the Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs for the purpose of administration of a program.
Ex Parte – Decision made without requiring a recipient to provide a specific form.
Fair Hearing - an administrative review of a decision considering evidence and arguments presented by an applicant, recipient, their representative, a county social service office or division of the Department.
Federal Tax Information – Information regarding an individual’s financial circumstances received from the Internal Revenue Service through the IEVS interface.
Household - an individual or group of individuals receiving or applying for benefits.
Income Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) – income and asset data received through an interface from the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration and Job Service.
Intentional Program Violation Hearing (IPV) - a hearing conducted for individuals or households accused of intentional program violations, who do not waive their rights to such a hearing, to determine if the individuals or household members committed, and intended to commit, intentional program violations.
NUMIDENT – a system interface with SSA that verifies social security numbers, identity, age and sex.
Prudent Person Concept – A process in which an individual consistently exhibits good judgment in requesting, reviewing, and weighing information provided by an applicant or recipient, or a person representing an applicant or recipient.
Individuals must use this concept to:
- Exercise judgment in requesting, reviewing, and weighing information provided by an applicant, recipient, or any source of verification.
- Be attentive, vigilant, cautious, perceptive, and governed by reason and use common sense.
- Quickly and accurately determine that the information is adequate for making an eligibility decision or that further exploration of the circumstances is necessary.
The decision arrived at when applying this concept must be documented.
Recipient - an individual who is receiving or has received benefits under Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs.
Release of Information – a signed statement by an applicant or recipient authorizing disclosure of any kind of information the household has provided for the purpose of determining eligibility for Economic Assistance and Health Care Coverage Programs.
Safeguarding Information - the protection of confidential information entrusted to the Department by recipients and other agencies.
State Data Exchange (SDX) - a system interface with Social Security Administration that verifies Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) – an interface with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that matches information in the TECS and Vision systems. These include SDX, BENDEX, NUMIDENT, TPQY and Citizenship.
Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement Program (SAVE) - The system is used to verify immigration status of applicants and recipients who are not U. S. Citizens.
Third Party Query Procedure (TPQY) - the on-line method of requesting verification of Social Security, SSI and Medicare benefits, and US citizenship verification.
Tolerance – Established variance levels for matches received through the Income Eligibility Verification System (IEVS).
Unidentified Financial Object (UFO) - an interface record that matches information received from IRS with information in TECS and Vision systems to generate the UFO hits for IEVS.
Unidentified Financial Object (UFO) - an interface record that matches information received from IRS with information in TECS and Vision systems to generate the UFO hits for IEVS.
USCIS – United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.